The Mid-Weeker: Shaking the Facebook/Google Duopoly, Succeeding in the Age of BuzzFeed, and the Marriage of Creative and Programmatic.

The Mid-Weeker: Shaking the Facebook/Google Duopoly, Succeeding in the Age of BuzzFeed, and the Marriage of Creative and Programmatic.

Programmatic Discussion At The IAB Annual Leadership Meeting Town Hall.

Steve Katelman and Jeff Green discuss ‘The next phase of programmatic – what’s now and what’s next’  at the IAB Annual Leadership Meeting Town Hall.

Is There Any Way To Shake The Facebook/Google Duopoloy? (Yes and No)

social-media-803649_1920“Just because Facebook and Google will continue to grow doesn’t mean everyone else is automatically beat”. These are the words of Jay Friedman, chief operating officer at Goodway Group. With the continued rise of the two global giants,  the question has moved towards whether or not there is another slice of the pie to be had, or has it simply all been eaten up by Facebook and Google. Alison Schiff with the adexchanger puts forward the argument  that “companies don’t have to reach the heights of a Facebook or Google to be considered a respectable business”. Read More.

How Do You Disrupt Yourself? Five Media Execs On Succeeding In The Age Of Buzzfeed.

businessmen-42691_1280At the American Magazine Media Conference in New York on Tuesday, five execs from Hearst, Conde Nast, Time Inc., Merith, and Rodale discuss how they compete with disruptive digital-first publications by investing, acquiring or imitating them. With the shift in T.V. towards Netflix and other online based services, and also the move from banner ads to native advertising, these three methods seem to be showing some success. Read More.


The Technology Is There To Deliver Programmatic Across More Channels Than Currently Use It.

Robot-Chess-202x271Now that programmatic has reached a tipping point with hand-sold advertising, and expected to reach 70-80% by 2018, the question is how programmatic trading can be applied to many, if not all, marketing channels in the future. With the industry already experimenting with programmatic buying for radio and TV, Lewis Sherlock, of the IAB’s Display Trading Council, explains and discusses the broader applications of programmatic. Sherlock talks about the problems as well as the possibilities across numerous forms of media. Read More.


First-Party Data Is About To Become Even More Compelling.

robot-507811_1920Tom Flanagan, director of strategic partnerships at DataXu discusses the benefits of first-party data. With the digital advertising industry having long been shouting about the importance of applying first-party data to targeted digital advertising, Flanagan disputes the idea of first-party data being over hyped, and it will rather, he claims, become more compelling. Flanagan goes on to outline in detail two ways in which this is true. Read More.

The Marriage Of Creative And Programmatic: It Is In Everyone’s Interest To Make It Work.

bridal-636018_1280With the advertising world shifting from that of ‘Mad Men’ to that of ‘math men’ is there room for creativity and programmatic? TheDrum claims that not only is there room for both but that both must coexist in order to thrive. The rise of mobile advertising, and also that of adblocker have resulted in a move towards ads that are more creative and less damaging to the user experience. Read More.


The Holy Grail Of Programmatic

holy-grail-2-640x389Eimear Faughnan of Kentar Media, states that “If programmatic advertising is to work for brands, the industry – including advertising publishers and agencies – need to buy into a data currency that is transparent, Free YouTube Downloader credible and available to everybody”. In her article Faughan states the importance of brand safety in online campaigns, and how everyone using different databases is to the detriment of each other. Read More.


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